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2019 Winter
The fifth BATC Winter Edition was held on 21 & 22 December at the Sportpalies in Alkmaar. It was another great tournament with great games, great players and a lot of new friendships. The final standing: Individual awards:
Admirals MVP: Renske Tellekamp Bombers MVP: Sietske Drijvers Cavaliers MVP: Charlotte Groen Falcons MVP: Caressa Schoor |
Admirals MVP: Renske Tellekamp |
Admirals Coaches Award: Merel Kramer |
Bombers MVP: Sietske Drijvers |
Bombers Coaches Award: Femke Franken |
Cavaliers MVP: Charlotte Groen |
Cavaliers Coaches Award: Puk de Groot |
Falcons MVP: Caressa Schoor |
Falcons Coaches Award: Ilse Kesseler |