2018 Teams

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

















2018 Participants

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

The following players have been selected to participate in the Battle at the Castle Softball 2018:

Alex Koppies
Amy-Lynn Felix
Anna de Groot
Annabel Huijer
Anouk Hendrickx
Asmara de Greef
Britt van Veen
Caitlin Kramer
Caressa Schoor
Charlotte Groen
Dani Moller
Danique Combee
Dederieke van der Kerk
Elise Ooms
Esmee de Lange
Finette Stokman
Freyke Vanhees
Ilse Kesseler
Ilse van de Wouw
Imke Stijnman
Isa Zwitzer
Jasmijn van der Donk
Kelly Bezems
Kim Emmen
Larissa Maassen
Laura Axson
Lisa Bezems
Lotte Langeslag
Luca van Eick
Mackenzie van der Linden
Margot van Eijl
Maudy Bezems
Melissa Hoeverts
Merel Kramer
Mila Dekker
Nathalie Marijnissen
Nicky Uytendaal
Noa Fehling
Noor Soumokil
Noortje Bisschop
Puck Verbrugge
Reganied Franka
Renee Scholte
Renske Tellekamp
Robin Verhagen
Sam Dekker
Sanne van der Putten
Sarah Evers
Sterre den Duijn
Sylvie van Vliet
Tenley Boersma
Tess Remmers
Wendy van Wijk
Yala Zwakman
Yarah Zuiver
Zia Stolk

2018 Summer

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles


BATC 2018

BATC 2018 Summer edition was fantastic!  In the warm Brabant sun, we enjoyed four days of exciting softball in a positive atmosphere where friendships were made and sportsmanship was exemplified. 

The final game between the Bombers and Admirals was very exciting.  This was the first BATC tournament which ended in a walk off.  The Admirals came from behind 2 - 6 in the last inning to win the game 7 - 6!  They finished the tournament with a record of 6 wins and 1 loss and were therefore the deserved winner of the 2018 tournament.   



The final team rankings are as follows:

1. Admirals
2. Bombers
3. Cavaliers
4. Falcons



The following individual prizes were awarded:   

 Best Hitter: Robin Verhagen  Best Pitcher: Kim Emmen Gold Glove: Britt van Veen
 BestHitter  BestPitcher  GoldGlove


 Rookie of the Year: Sanne van der Putten  Finale MVP: Dederieke van der Kerk  Tournament MVP: Melissa Hoeverts
 RookieoftheYear  FinalMVP  MVP



A new award has been initiated this year.  The Hedwig Rouwenhorst Award is to be awarded to the player who demonstrates the Fighting Spirit of Hedwig Rouwenhorst. In July 2018, Hedwig succumbed to her battle with cancer.  Hedwig was a BATC Softball fan from the very first battle. In 2014, she sat along the sidelines for the first BATC Softball tournament to cheer on her daughter Isanthe and the other players.  She was also present at the BATC Softball tournaments in 2015, 2016 and 2017.  When you think of Hedwig, you think of positivity and of someone who kept on fighting regardless of the circumstances.  When Hedwig entered a room, it became a bit brighter.  She was always positive and knew how to put a positive twist on every situation.  Hedwig fought to the end, without a moment of complaining or feeling sorry for herself.  These are the qualities we look for when awarding the Fighting Spirit award.




The recipient of the 2018 Hedwig Rouwenhorst Fighting Spirit Award is Jasmijn van der Donk (pictured here with Isanthe Rouwenhorst, daughter of Hedwig and the 2017 Tournament MVP).



2017 Winter Teams

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles


 Dutch League:

 Admirals 235  Bombers 235
 Dutch Admirals team  Dutch Bombers team

Adaya Gowricharn
Fleur van Susteren
Kayleigh van der Linden
Annabel Huijer
Bibienne Ankerman
Lorena Kock
Merel Kramer
Ilse van der Valk
Charlotte Meert
Rhune Vanhees
Chrissie Koppies
Daniek Verburg

Jeroen van de Wiel
Jazzy Beer
Bo Horsten

Britt van Gelderen
Ilse Kesseler
Isabella Vacirca
Julia Westhoek
Jade Rijgersberg
Ymke Vreeburg
Dani Möller
Diantha van Rooij
Suzanne van der Louw
Anne Lubbers
Julie Zwiers
Daniek Jansen

Ilja Hardewijn
Nolan Beugeling
Iris Hooijer

 Cavaliers 235  Falcons 235
 Dutch Cavaliers team  Dutch Falcons team

Rachel Rijgersberg
Sanne van der Putten
Pascalle Morauw
Siena van Rooij
Anouk Maassen
Lotte van der Weide
Alyssa Leijder Havenstroom
Sarah Evers
Anouk Boontjes
Arwen Schepers
Kim Bouwknecht
Eline Brandsma

Wessel Brocken
Tyler Boersma
Kim Horsten

Noor Soumokil
Senna van Montfort
Lisa van Kimmenaede
Esma Yazid
Yarah Zuiver
Pitou Ludding
Meike van der Meer
Anouk Hendrickx
Floortje de Ridder
Isa van Elteren
Indy Eikelenboom
Danielle Bos

Diana Remmers
Coen Merkx
Yindi Beekveldt



 National League:

 Admirals 235  Bombers 235
 National Admirals team  National Bombers team

Noa Fehling
Noortje Bisschop
Alex Koppies
Kelly Bezems
Déderieke van der Kerk
Sophie Verdaasdonk
Ysaline Beguin
Elise Ooms
Freyke Vanhees
Kim Emmen
Mila Dekker

Carola Untied
Annemiek de Rover
Robin van Beijsterveldt

Margot van Eijl
Lisa Bezems
Nina de Permentier
Yala Zwakman
Tenley Boersma
Marijn Crouwel
Ilse van de Wouw
Larissa Maassen
Reganied Franka
Pien Lijffijt
Lotte Langeslag

Suzanne Poelgeest
Kay van Schie

 Cavaliers 235  Falcons 235
 National Cavaliers team  National Falcons team

Lisanne Spoor
Lisa Meyering
Mila Nijenhuis
Tess Remmers
Maudy Bezems
Jasmijn van der Donk
Amy-Lynn Felix
Caitlin Kramer
Mackenzie van der Linden
Jacky Huijben
Isa Zwitzer

Rob Hendriks
Brenda Beers

Sterre den Duijn
Wendy van Wijk
Vita Willaert
Asmara De Greef
Nicky Uytendaal
Laura Axson
Sam Dekker
Renee Scholte
Zia Stolk
Edsillia Arendsz
Babette van den Esker

Johan Korpel
Claudia Kranendonk