
Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

The tournament can provide information for accommodation in the neighborhood of Oosterhout for every available budget. These facilities are only suggestions.


Charme Hotel Oosterhout -Located in the city centre of Oosterhout, 15 minutes walk to the softball park.


Tulip Inn Oosterhout - 10 minutes drive to the softball park


Hotel ´t Zonneke - Located near the city centre of Oosterhout, 25 minute walk to the softball park


There are also multiple bed and breakfast opportunities in Oosterhout. Check out for all facilities in Oosterhout.


Bungalow Parks:

De Kurenpolder - Park with golf course in Hank, 15 minutes drive to the softball park


De Katjeskelder - In a forest in Oosterhout, 10 minute drive to the softball park


But of course you are free to choose whatever accommodation you desire!

Softball Park at the Castle

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

Slotbosse toren Park

Slotbosse Toren Park

The tournament will be held at Slotbosse Toren Park in Oosterhout. This is the home of the Oosterhout Twins who play in the Dutch Baseball and Softball Leagues. The grounds lie next to a ruin of a caste that was originally built in the 13th century. It is now a federal monument.

Slotbosse toren Park

The park is located at

Kasteeldreef 30, 4907 EA Oosterhout.

More information regarding the castle is available here.

Slotbosse toren


2015 Schedule

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

Saturday 18 July:  Teams Field Umpires
Game 1: 11.00 - 12.30  Admirals - Bombers    1 Lemstra / Kasapova
Game 2: 13.00 - 14.30  Caveliers – Falcons    1 Gieskens / Nielandt
Game 3: 15.00 - 16.30 Falcons – Bombers    1 Kasapova / Lemstra
Game 4: 17.00 - 18.30  Caveliers – Adimrals    1 Nielandt / Gieskens
18.30 – 21.00 BBQ      
Sunday 19 July:      
Game 5: 10.00 - 11.30 Admirals - Caveliers     1  Lemstra / Nielandt
Game 6: 10.00 - 11.30 Bombers - Falcons      2 R. Kok / H. Kok
Game 7: 13.00 - 14.30  Falcons - Admirals    2 Nielandt / Kasapova / Lemstra
Monday 20 July:      
Game 8:  9:00 - 10:30 Caveliers – Bombers    2  
Game 9:  10.00 - 11.30  Falcons - Caveliers    2 Gieskens / Lemstra
Game 10: 12.00 - 13.30  Bombers - Admirals        2 Kasapova / Nielandt
Game 11: 14.30 - 16.00  Admirals - Falcons    2 Lemstra / Gieskens
Game 12: 17.00 - 18.30  Bombers - Caveliers    2 Nielandt / Kasapova
Tuesday 21 July:      
Game 13: 12.30 - 14.00  Admirals - Bombers    1  Gieskens / Lemstra / Kasapova
Game 14: 15.00 - 16.30  Caveliers – Falcons    1  R. Kok / H. Kok / Nielandt

How to Register

Written by Suzanne. Posted in Articles

Registration opens January 1, 2019!  

 ** Read this together with your parents! You need the permission of your parents to participate!

Entry Fee:

There is an entry fee of € 125,– per player. For these costs we supply you with:

  • Team uniform with name and number of choice
  • Lunch for 4 days and one BBQ dinner at the park
  • Donation of € 10,– of your entry fee in your name to development of youth softball

Your parents can also have lunch and dinner at the park. There will be food and beverages available, but at own cost.


We really want you to register to play in the Battle at the Castle tournament. But you also have to know that there is a limit of 48 players that can play.

The tournament management and the team coaches need as much information from you as possible. We want to know general information and information about your softball skills.

Please send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • E-mail address
  • Name of your team and the level of competition in 2018
  • Three favorite positions in the field
  • Eventual additional information that you would like to share

Your personal information will be treated confidentially. 

Registration closes on March 15, 2019.